Profita is a Share Market / Stock Market Analysis (Technical analysis with various indicators, Fundamental Analysis), Portfolio Management, RealTime Trade Monitor and SMS Alert software based on Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Bangladesh. This software also updates price from Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). This software targets those who have no time to go to Broker House or Stock Exchange but want all the information at their fingertips.

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Jelly is a Medical Software that can be used as a Prescription software, Digital Drug Directory (32,000+ Drugs) and Patient information database for Doctors. It can create a prescription with a few mouse clicks. Jelly can be customized to meet the requirements of all the specialties of Medical Science. You can customize the software according to the types of patient you treat daily, Then it will be very easy and fast to create a prescription. Jelly is FREE for 1 year !! After 1 year if you think Jelly fulfills your requirements, you can buy it. To use it, you have to download the software and mail us at for FREE Registration.

This Software can also be used as a Digital Drug Index / Directory. It contains about 32,000+ Drugs with Generic, Brand, Therapeutic group and Literature. Drugs can be searched using Generic/Trade Names and also by their therapeutic uses. Drugs will be updated on regular basis. This software can also store your patient information and then it can be used for research purpose. Patient's record can be searched and analyzed in several ways. Jelly suppots Bangla (Bengali) or Any Local Language.   New version   1.3   (Final) is released on 08-Aug-2015

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